Saturday, November 5, 2011

Photoshoot with the horses ♥

Since it was nice & stormy out the other day and the horses were having a blast being out of there stalls we deicided to take some picturessss (:

Enjoyyyy ♥


  1. Oh wow what a flattering angle on Leo :)
    Macie is so cute lol I miss both of you. Who's the 3rd palomino???

    I wanna come RIIIIIDDDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rode again at Tim's but Reggie's stilllll lame :(

  2. BTW... Tim really liked Babe@!! He said she's got a really great mind :)

    Missy is ever so close. This is the 2nd night the R's have spent here now waiting on excited ♥ You MUST come see it when its born :)

  3. the third palomino is story; autumn horse. & tequila; my moms friend alexis' horse.
    and yeahh! she just needs some more weight and muscell and for leo to stop being a bad word to her. he bites her !!! ):
    & yessss!!! call me when its about to be born!!!!
    & awhh. poor regieee!!! & im glad he likes her. i think she will end up seing good.(:
